Lee Jung Hyun Lee Jung Hyun - Erased face: familiar face

I don't know who it is, that sad face in my memories.
I can't seem to remember even though it's spinning in my head.
I can't know who she is or why she's crying
but, because, in a corner somewhere in my heart it keeps numbing,
I can't breathe.

I want to hold onto her, I want to ask who she is
but as I get closer and hold out my hand
everything disappears like a dream.

Tears keep coming, they come without me even knowing.
Might it be an erased seperation because it hurt too much?

Today too without fail that girl's appearance infront of me is
getting mad at me saying 'this is the end' as she turns around coldly.

I want to hold onto her, I want to ask who she is
but as I get closer and hold out my hand
everything disappears like a dream.

Thinking that everything would disappear from my memory,
Was my mistake to believe that.

Now I know that what I wanted to forget was you.
Your face that was beside me for so long, your face that I loved so much.

I'm sorry that I forgot. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you inside of me.
As much as I hurt you while we were together, my heart must've hurt just as much

when we seperated.Everytime you popped up, evertime your face popped up,
I couldn't bear it as much as I had to erase you.

I wanted to erase your tears and even your smile
and bury you somewhere far away so I couldn't remember.

I wanted to erase your tears and even your smile
and bury you somewhere far away so I couldn't